
Friday, January 6, 2012

The 25 day showing of Sarah Geronimo and Gerald Anderson's movie won't last a day without you and its P87M gross

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Due to Manila Film Festival last December, won't last a day without you's domination has been stopped to give way for the incoming festival of 2011. The 25 day showing of Sarah Geronimo and Gerald Anderson's film was one of the shortest film showing in the Philippines that is why it did not break either the second slot of top grossing Pinoy Film or even the third one. HERE'S THE FULL REPORT...

Gerald Anderson showed us his real and honest interest to Sarah Geronimo

The reason why Sarah Geronimo is in love to a man like Gerald Anderson

Did you see the video of Gerald Anderson watching Sarah Geronimo on stage

This year for Sarah Geronimo and Gerald Anderson latest article



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